St. Timothy Orthodox Church
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese
4593 Central Way, Fairfield, CA 94534

We offer opportunities for young people and adults to serve, learn, grow, and make friends.

  • Sunday School
  • Bookstore
  • Choir and Chanters
  • Teen SOYO
  • Altar Servers and Acolytes
  • Antiochian Woman
  • Myrrh-bearers
  • Men's Fellowship
  • Adult Education
  •   Previous Adult Ed Courses

Sunday School

St. Timothy normally provides classes for children from pre-school through high-school.  Post COVID, we are now back in full-swing.

Normally, in class, our children learn about Christ, His Apostles and Disciples, His Saints, and the Church which is His body. They also learn more about the Divine Liturgy and the Epistle and Gospel readings of the day. 

Because participation in the Divine Liturgy is an essential part of any Orthodox Christian's life, our young people begin their Sunday in church. Then, after receiving Holy Communion, they head to their Sunday School class. Classes end in time for the kids to join the rest of the parish for the Agape meal. Children who are visiting St Timothy are welcome to attend Sunday School.

The Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese Department of Christian Education (AODCE) supports church school directors, teachers, parents, and all who participate in the work of Christian education on the local level. 



Choir and Chanters

Orthodox services are always sung, and always a capella. Either a few chanters will chant with the clergy, or a mixed choir will lead the congregation in singing. The musical beauty of Orthodox Christian worship is a 2000-year-old treasure chest! The type of musical melodies and modes used in a particular parish depend on that parish's roots: Greece, the Middle East, or Eastern Europe.

All Orthodox Church music is based on eight melodies, called tones.  While there are several variations on these melodies and many special melodies for specific commemorations, all Orthodox music is rooted in the eight tones.  In Russian, Serbian, or Bulgarian Orthodox churches the eight tones are based upon different melodies than the eight tones used in Greek and Antiochian churches.  This is rooted in the fact that the musical styles and "ear" of those cultures were different.  Orthodoxy has always tried to integrate the truth of the faith into the cultures it evangelizes.  The ancient tradition of Orthodox liturgical music was to sing a single chanted melody that is backed by a drone note, called an ison.  Over time, especially in the western European Orthodox lands, these basic melodies were set into four part choral harmonies (some of which were composed by the great classical composers of the day like Rachmaninoff and Tchaikovsky). While four-part musical settings is more common in the eastern European Orthodox traditions, choral arrangements exist today rooted in all Orthodox musical traditions.  

At St Timothy, we use both Byzantine (based in the Eastern Orthodox tradition) and Slavonic (based in the Western Orthodox tradition) hymns along with choral settings created by American composers and monastics.  Fear not! Non-Orthodox visitors, and even Orthodox Christian visitors, will be able to understand all that is being sung and said, because our services are in English.

The services of Vespers and Matins are typically supported by our chanters, typically chanting in the Byzantine style of traditional chant.  Our Divine Liturgy is typically supported by our full choir with a repertoire of music crossing all Orthodox musical traditions.  Anyone interested in learning more about our liturgical music traditions or joining our choir or chanters should contact Reader Matthew who leads both groups.



Acolytes and Altar Servers

The St Timothy Acolytes and Altar Servers are an active and important aspect of the Liturgical activities, services, and worship of the Parish.  The Acolyte program at St Timothy typically begins at age 8, depending on maturity and parental approval. Speak to Fr. John or Fr. Spyridon if you are interested or have questions.  The Acolyte program is open to boys and men interested in participating as helpers to and participants in the divine services with the subdeacons, deacons and priests.

The Acolyte Program at St Timothy is formal and includes a structured program of learning about the services of Orthodoxy, Church History and Ecclessiology, and Orthodox Spirituality as the Acolytes move from boyhood to young adult men learning leadership within this and any Orthodox community. Through their learning and serving, in a developing commitment to Christ and His Church, the young men of the Parish of St Timothy establish a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord God and Savior.




The Myrrh-bearers' ministry at St Timothy is an opportunity for the girls and young ladies of the parish to serve with the clergy "before the Iconostasis," just as the boys and young men serve with the clergy "behind the Iconostasis." Like the Acolyte minsitry, the Myrrh-bearers' ministry is a structured program of fun, learning, and service to and within the Parish community. As the girls learn more about serving our Lord Jesus Christ as did the women disciples of the Lord, they develop a closer walk and relationship with Him. They learn the spiritual aspects of humility, modesty, love, and nurturing.

The Myrrh-bearers focus their ministry on ringing the parish bells, tending the prayer candles during prayer and worship, bringing the tithes and offerings forward for blessing, serving with the Hospitality teams, or (with the approval of the Choir Director) chanting and singing with the Choir. The Myrrh-bearers' program at St Timothy begins at age 8, depending on maturity and parental approval. Speak to Johanna Cates if you are interested in becoming a Myrrh-bearer.



Adult Education

For adults and older teens, we hold:

  • Topical or special study classes, which usually meet in the parish hall at 9:00am on Sunday morning.
  • Special events with speakers invited to present on a topic of interest to the Orthodox believer.
  • Occasional "Book Club" gatherings, to discuss a particular book over a 6-8 week period. These meetings are usually on a week night in a parishioner's home.
  • Catechism classes for inquirers and those preparing for entry into the Orthodox faith are typically held on Saturday mornings.  See Fr. John for the current schedule or to inquire about learning more about joining the Orthodox Church.

Previous Adult Classes

  • The Lionheart Sessions.  A four session workshop focused on the Orthodox teaching on manhood. This curriculum, developed by Orthodox bishops, pastors, and psychologists is specifically designed for the men of our parishes. The program, through video presentations and directed discussions, is intended to facilitate a better understanding of what it means to be men in the context of the Orthodox Church. 
  • “In the World, But Not of It.” Mother Melania spoke about how we Orthodox should be in the world, but not of it. Just how do we do that? We need to first understand how our souls are made, how they got broken, and how God heals them. Then, we can apply this knowledge to specific issues in American culture, such as sexuality, abortion, care of the elderly, and moral relativism. To hear the audio recording of this retreat, go to the In the World But Not Of It section of the website.
  • How Did We Get Our Bible? In this class, we explored such questions as When was the Bible first written down?, How old are the earliest manuscripts?, and Why do we have so many translations?
  • The Book of Ruth: In the Old Testament book of Ruth, we meet gentle heroes and heroines who endured poverty, racism, abandonment and starvation. They teach us how a family comes together in order to survive -- and who survived to become the future royal family of King David and the earthly family of Christ our Lord. 
  • Foundations of the Orthodox Faith: A study of the Orthodox Faith and how we establish and pursue our relationship and personal conversation with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, with a close look at the “Shield of our Faith” and what a treasure is ours as we approach Baptism, the Altar and participate in divine worship.




The St Timothy Bookstore is operated by the members of St. Timothy and is open Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. We carry books from many Orthodox publishers and seminary presses, as well as icons, greeting cards, incense and charcoal, crosses and prayer ropes as well as seasonal gift items. Contact Alex Callahan at 970-270-0301 or for further information.




The Teen Ministry at St Timothy — our local chapter of SOYO — has a focus on students who are in junior high and high school (ages 12 to 18). The teens have a get-together the last Saturday of every month in order to:

  • Build relationships
  • Encourage Church attendance and participation
  • Have fun as teens
  • Learn more about the faith
  • Serve others

Want to know more about our Holy Family Ministry Youth program? Contact Fr Spyridon or email for more information or to learn about upcoming events. We look forward to seeing you there!



Antiochian Women

We are a Sisterhood Serving Christ Through Serving Others. We welcome women all women of the parish (including teens) to join us in our ministry, remembering that every woman in the Antiochian Archdiocese is an "Antiochian Woman"!

Our chapter at St. Timothy strives to build up in each other the spirit of Christian commitment and to foster love for each other, our parish, and all we meet, through loving service and works of charity. 

Our aim is to fill each year with spiritual nourishment, service to others, and fellowship. Events and activities we have held in the past included painting Pysannky eggs during Lent, enjoying our Spring Tea and our Christmas Tea, and honoring Women's Month each March by reading the Epistles during the Divine Liturgy. Additionally, we actively contribute acts of mercy to various charities.

We would love to have you join any of our upcoming events.  Please reach out to Johanna Cates at for more information. 


Men's Fellowship

The Men’s Group at St Timothy creates an opportunity for men of all ages to meet together, fellowship together and grow in Christ together. The Men at St Timothy meet monthly to share a meal and to listen to a speaker invited to address the group on a variety of subjects related to spiritual formation.

The Men of St. Timothy seek to exemplify the Christian values of worship, service, fellowship, and witness (outreach). We endeavor to practice these values within our homes, within the Orthodox Church, and with the community. In accordance with Christ’s teachings, we are committed, through our actions, to assist those in need and to inspire our fellow human beings to emulate these same values, while providing a safe environment for spiritual growth.

Our endeavors are inspired by God’s love for all mankind, performed with humility, with mutual respect, and without the expectation of any recognition or reward. Participation in the activities of the Men’s Group is purely voluntary and is intended to be self-funded. Regular activities are held on the last Saturday of every month; other dates as announced.


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